Voice work
In every moment, our voice is a reflection of who and how we are-and can be an enjoyable way of exploring our potential, or a wonderful and inspiring guide back to who we really are.
The particular resonance any one person produces is unique – getting in touch with that can bring untold benefits… whether we're discovering it for the first time, or whether we're experienced singers.
My approach: Inside out!
Working with body, breath and voice opens the space inside us, so that the sounds we produce are naturally informed by our own special qualities. We can be at ease in our body and our voice, and be at home in ourselves.
So… whether we are professional singers or speakers, want to be confident in who we are, or explore the health benefits of using our voice, this approach can help.
For the last 15 years I have worked with sound and singers in all sorts of fields.
As resident tutor on The Complete Singer Summerschool, which holds masterclass weekends throughout the year, I give vocal masterclasses and also hold one of the strands of holistic vocal work offered.
I run a masterclass series in Brighton – The Works – where classical singers can develop and hone their performance skills.
I act as consultant to fellow professional singers – giving insights when there are technical challenges to be solved.
Inspired by a 13-month training in Body, Breath and Voice (First Nature), I have facilitated many and varied group workshops, for example work with healthcare professionals, those with vocal or breathing difficulties, people living with HIV,cancer,or depression.I have a particular interest in work with people with dementia-an area of work which continues to expand.
I have worked over the years with groups of professionals wanting to develop and refine skills in communication, producing a more authentic and harmonious work dynamic; or with couples wanting to improve their dynamic at home.
I have a teaching practice where I work with individual clients of varying ages and from many different walks of life: classical singers, rap artists, those with breathing or vocal difficulties or sometimes serious illness; or people who just love singing.